Monthly Jiggers Health Campaign 2023
Project Location: Busoga Sub-Region, Eastern Uganda
Project Background: Busoga sub-region is the poorest region in Uganda with a rapidly growing population caused by low adoption of family planning services, food insecurity, lack of income sources at household level, illiteracy, and jigger infestation. Jiggers are a blood-sucking sand flea that lives in warm and dusty environments, and their spread in the region is attributed to poverty, hygiene, illiteracy, climate, culture, among others. The warm dusty environment of the region and exposed dirt floors, walls, and compounds common among many homes, which are even shared by both humans and domestic animals, create an enabling environment for eggs that incubate even inside the home. Jigger infestation causes physical effects such as inflammation, fibrosis, ulceration, and sepsis, loss of toenails, and in extreme cases, death of the victim. The risk of secondary infections such as HIV is high, and cases of tetanus have been reported among those who are jigger-infested. The infestation also subjects children to psychological problems such as low self-esteem and social stigma, which interferes with their concentration resulting in poor performance and school dropout.
Project Objective: To eradicate jiggers in Busoga sub-region through community sensitization, treatment of jigger patients, and advocating for the supply of essential medicines to communities, rehabilitation of victims and integrating them into communities. The project aims to improve the health status of the community, reduce poverty, and increase access to education.
Proposed Intervention: Global Pathways to Success Uganda (GPSU) has been implementing the Jigger Free Busoga Project for the last four years, reaching out to several families in Mayuge district with plans to expand to other districts in the region. GPSU has treated over 1000 people, 60% children, and 40% adults, with essential medicines, trained Village Health Teams (VHTs) in case management, integrated abandoned victims into communities and their families, and is looking forward to supporting victims to engage in income-generating activities. The organization also puts efforts to transform community knowledge, attitude, and practices to positive hygienic and sanitation behaviors/practices that will contribute to jigger eradication and improved general health status and sustainable community development. The project uses a continuous multi-sectoral approach and active community engagement to win the battle on jigger menace and use the existing knowledge and community structures for positive behavior change in jigger prevention and control.
Expected Outcome: The project aims to eradicate jiggers in Busoga sub-region, improve the health status of the community, reduce poverty, and increase access to education. The project will also support victims to engage in income-generating activities and integrate them into communities and their families.
Budget: The project budget is estimated at $3906 monthly, an estimate of $15,625 for a period of 3 years, covering community sensitization, treatment of jigger patients, advocacy for the supply of essential medicines to communities, rehabilitation of victims and integrating them into communities, income-generating activities, and monitoring and evaluation.