Focusing on positive stories from across Africa, with a keen interest in Education, Health, Agribusiness, Environment, Climate Change, Gender Empowerment, Technology, among other evergreen tropical issues of human interest.
Our website and magazine a go-to for learning institutions, serving as a teaching and learning resource.

As An Organization, We Aim To Make An Impact On Decreasing Human Suffering Over The Next 100 Years. We Do This By Prioritizing The Underlying Causes Of Poverty.
End Poverty Now! Realizing Vulnerable Communities Are Often The Hardest Hit By Climate Change, We Are Also Working With Organizations Focused On Mitigating The Effects Of Extreme Weather And Natural Disasters.

A digital marketing agency that helps companies expand throughout Africa by providing a blend of traditional African methods of doing business with digital integration. Services include face to face sales, market strategy, websites, podcast and radio, and target market reach.
Mayuge District was established by an act of parliament in 2000 and it’s located in the eastern region of Uganda.
The headquarters are situated in Mayuge Town council 120km from Kampala the capital city and 40km from Jinja.
It’s bordered by Iganga in the north Jinja in the west, Bugiri in the east and Lake Victoria in the south which is shared by Mukono, district, Bugiri, Mayuge itself and Jinja city.

G100 is an empowered group of 100 women leaders from across the world, leading 100 global wings, supported by G100.

Our team is bringing a unique type of shea butter to market via a digital platform. Nilotica Shea holds higher amounts of olein, Vitamins A and E and healing properties. It is found distinctively in northern Uganda where we have founded a women’s cooperative called WONS (Women’s Owned Nilotica Shea).

Asian Bridges Limited is a trading house with offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Prague (CZ) and Widnau (CH).
We focus on connecting Asian and European business partners and assist them in overcoming the usual as well as the unpredictable complications of doing business across continents