Rotarian Malaria Partners (“RMP”)
The Rotarian Malaria Partners (RMP) Small Grant Program is designed to provide applicants up to $10,000 for anti-malaria projects for one year or to augment existing funding committed to previously approved Rotarian malaria related projects*. Approved projects will receive $5,000 from RMP matched by $5,000 from a fund established by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and administered by the Seattle Rotary Service Foundation. Applications are subjected to a competitive grantmaking evaluation process.
The following criteria are relevant:
- The application is for a malaria control/prevention/elimination project;
- The application is submitted and sponsored by a Rotary Club in good standing with Rotary International;
- Indicates that the host club and its implementing partners will agree to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Rotarian Malaria Partners;
- The applicant Club presents evidence of previous Rotary project experience;
- Specifies the number of direct beneficiaries of the project;
- Includes measurable baseline data (ie. pre-existing condition data) and quantifies benchmarks against which the degree of success will be measured;
- Explains howthe project will have a sustainable impact over time, beyond just the duration of the project implementation period;
- The sponsoring Rotary Club commits to provide a meaningful level of funds that will be deposited in a project account prior toreceiving the RMP grant and matching funds;
- Provides a project budget showing in detail the sources and uses of project funds, including unit cost and source information;
- Lists in-kind contributions, if any, separate from the financial budget;
- Lists and describes role, background and legitimacy of all implementing partners;
- Describes the involvement of the host Rotary Club members;
- Describes how the sponsoring club and RMP will receive recognition in and/or beyond the community it serves (signage, media reporting, etc.).
*Applications that have Rotary Club, District, Rotary International and/or private funding commitments will receive extra credit in the RMP evaluation process.