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The Human Consequences of Jiggers: Juliana Kasibina

Paul, a farmer who works in people’s farms for pennies, holding his fourth born daughter, Juliana Kasibina. They live in Iganga district, are facing poverty, and the girl is malnourished. She used to bite her own hand due to hunger and they feed poorly and sleep poorly. He has five children but they all sleep in one small hut, with only a one-inch mattress and barely any beddings. Seven humans sleeping in a small hut presents many social and mental problems for the family. Juliana cannot walk, is retarded and, she got a medical condition that affected her brain due to delayed treatment. During the #GPSUBusogaCampaign in both 2019 and 2021, we were able to provide them with some food for the short term and, medical assistance, beddings and clothing are in plan for the long term. She got a device, which will assist her in walking again. We are also working with Paul to help him earn income for his family through meaningful work. 

Life with Jiggers: Mukose Elipa’s family

Mukose Elipa a father of four with a wife who is soon to give birth to their fifth child. They live in Mayuge district in Uganda. Here we see him with his 12-year-old daughter and, 15-year-old son. They too were living in poverty and one of the results is a sand flea (jiggers) infestation of the whole family, with the children affected most. During our first outreach #GPSUBusogaCampaign in 2019, His wife Lucy Naita had four children but, as of our recent outreach in 2021, she was eight months pregnant with their fifth and at the time this was published, she had already given birth but without even a door, for their house. Add on to that a shared sleeping area with no beddings and the picture gets worse indeed. The whole family unfortunately was affected by a jigger infestation in their home, and the children had the most serious cases because they had no shoes and they sleep on the ground. During their interview, he said he was very appreciative that we came to help as they truly are in need. It is moments like this that motivate us to work, reminders that we are providing help to those who really need it. They need a house because someone bought the land on which theirs is yet they are land squatters and, that is a long-term solution we have for them For the short term we were able to extract the jiggers from the bodies of the whole family, . We additionally are working to help Mukose generate income through his mat and basket weaving skill. He even considers selling his merchandise nationwide.

LIfe with Jiggers:Tibesigwa Esther

This young girl is Tibesigwa Esther and behind her is the mother. She is three years old and she was born mute and lame. Her father left the responsibility of raising her to the mother, who unfortunately is poor. What was supposed to be a joyful experience because it was her first child, turned instead into sorrow as she waited year after year for her daughter to walk and talk. During the outreach to Iganga District #GPSUBusogaCampaign on September 14 2021, we interviewed the mother who told us her daughter’s needs. They live in a house with no door and they have no beddings so they can only sleep on mats or clothing on the floor. For the short term, we were able to supply them with some food and, for the long term, beddings and a wheelchair. We are also working to help the mother find a way of generating income to sustain herself and her daughter.

Life with Jiggers: Amelia Lusaga

This charming teenager is Amelia Lusaga. We met her and the mother during an outreach #GPSUBusogaCampaign in 2021. Her mother narrated to us a very detailed story about what life has been like with her albino daughter. Ranging from discrimination from educational and medical personnel, to misunderstanding from other children and mothers of other albinos.

Albinism is not a disability; it simply means they have no melanin, the black pigment in Africans skin. It is a form of protection so because they do not have it, they need extra protection from direct sunlight both for their bodies and eyes. She also emphasized that the organization raises more awareness in society about albinism, to address the challenge of discrimination from teachers, doctors and other people.

We praise her for being a resourceful mother because she has single handedly given her daughter the best of life she can, including teaching her how to read and write. Amelia says she wants to be a doctor, and we believe we can assist her in achieving her dream, that being our long-term solution for her. Due to discrimination from teachers, with some of them asking her to leave the classroom because she is a distraction to her fellow students, the mother has resorted to home schooling her. She does not have quality education and we are helping her to get it.

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